The Yoga Blog — focus

Meditation - Your Edge

Plyopic Meditation

What Science Says:

🔼Increases memory, concentration, emotional regulation, resilience, self control, perspective and wisdom.⠀
🔼Benefits cardiovascular and immune health.
đź”˝Decreases anxiety, stress and depression.
🔽Slows the aging process 👴👵⠀

What Thought Leaders Say:â €

“At least 80% of the people I interviewed (200 of the world’s top performers) have some form of mindfulness practice” ⠀
~ Tim Ferriss
Author of Tools of Titans 🔧: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers.⠀

“If you can learn how to use the mind, anything is possible” ⠀
~ Wim âť„ "The Ice Man" âť„ Hof
Creator of The Wim Hof Method of...